duminică, 26 iunie 2011

Giving up is going you nowhere

It is said that 10% of the world population controls 90% of the world wealth. It is also said that if the world wealth will be shared equally to every member of the world population at a certain moment of time, in five years from that moment, the wealth will come back to those 10% in the same ammount of 90%. It seems that all happens as if we live each and every day the same story with the same happy and not happy ending. Why is that ? ... Why is this happening every time the same way?
Of course this questions are not the simplest ever imagined. But we can think at some answers.

One of the reasons could be the fact that people loose their focus on their complex journeys to achieving their goals. They simply forget the innitial goal of the journey. Fortunately, the winners, those 10%, are not this way. For them, every problem is an opportunity. They will continue to dig the tunnel into the mountain untill they will eventually break on through to the other side.
If the tunel was right placed, they will transform a 10 kilometers long road, into a shorcut of couple of hundreds of metters. That is why their profits will be immense. If you want to be among them, find the place where the tunel is best to be, and be determined not to give up. And if you're not sure you can do it, please let me tell you of what I think about money.

For me, more important than having money is the way I'm making the money. I don't forget that the money are just a monitor for the real goods that are usefull for our everyday life. I think about money like they are laying somewere at the end of a road, but the most interesting part is not the end of the road, but the road itself. The one who enjoys the road is having all the fun. Of course, it can be a daunting adventure to walk the road because it can be full of dangers and also because the end of it is often (or always ?) unpredictable.

But the most important thing when walking a road like this is to have a rhitm. First your steps are precautious and at low pace. You have to be carefull of what's going on in front of you and on your sideways. After that, as you advance further and further on your road, you become more and more familiar with the environment, and raising more and more the rhitm will become a natural alternative. In fact it will become the only alternative.

It will be like in those epic and eroic movies like Alexander the Great or Brave Heart when two armies clashes togetger and the winning army is the one which has the right rhitm. The rhitm is crucial for the end of the battle. So take your time, prepare carefully your first steps, increase your rhitm as it become natural, and the end will be as good as you imagined.

Translating this in business terms, it will become something like this ... Take advantage of the early stages of your business (when everything is calm and peacefull and nobody is pushing you) to make a good, robust plan. Grow your business as it becomes natural, and don't jump to unsustainable results, because it's a lot worse to have dissapointed clients than conquer them gradually. And in the end, when the victory will be yours, remember that you could have even more fun because you are just at the begining of another road.

Yaan Smith is a columnist at Digital Demand, and a software engineer. Some of his online sites are Web Design Attitude - web templates and customized web design, Aptitude Desk - online testing software, and Business Card Model - online business cards creation software.

duminică, 19 iunie 2011

Don't have to be a brilliant mind to be a millionaire

One of the most astonishing things for me as an ex communist country inhabitant, was the fall of all intellectual values that I used to worship in the old regime days. Apparently, in capitalism (as I use to call the democracy) you don't need to be intellectual at all ... Well, you can be intellectual, but this won't bring you necessary the fame or success. As a matter of fact it seems that intellectuality brought famine in the old regime.

At those times, it was a direct and straightforward relation between study and career. The education system was by far more elevated than in capitalist, developed countries, and still the results were poor. Why ? ... Because once finishing your education degrees of whatever level, you were automatically (and guaranteed) employed in the economic system, and there the evaluation system was a disaster. As an individ, you were not forced to struggle with yourself and the others to discover your real capabilities and competences, the only criteria of ascending in your career being only your intellectual level, certified by the degrees you had.

These days the times are changed. It is not enough to work hard or study hard to get a decent position or achieve a certain goal, but you have to have luck also. It seems to be more like a poker game, than a determined situation. Practically you have to work hard and wait and chase opportunities. But to make things worse, nobody is telling you when opportunities comes. So ... what you gonna do?

I think the answer of that question is to explore your inner capabilities and enhance them. It has to be something you like to do or at least something you would like to do. Anyway, remember you don't have a chance if you're doing something that you really don't like, because the market it's already filled with people who knows their jobs, even if they have a lower IQ than yours ... After all that is why the capitalist system is higher ... because it gives you a chance even if you don't have a brilliant mind.

Yaan Smith is a columnist at Digital Demand, and a software engineer. Some of his online sites are Web Design Attitude - web templates and customized web design, Aptitude Desk - online testing software, and Business Card Model - online business cards creation software.